Friday, November 11, 2011


I've finally jumped on the band wagon and am officially a "pinhead" I guess you can say. I have heard of it mentioned here and there and never looked at the site until a few days ago and fell in LOVE. I am addicted. Damn social networks and all these shenigans. Just another site to steal my attention and keep me away from my school work even longer ha. I started "snapping screenshots" on my phone of all of the things I like and it started to over crowd my load of 1001 Sadie pictures. I thought there's gotta be a way to store these off my phone-no better way to just froggen ask for an invite !

I even got my two friends in class addicted and signed up as of yesterday in class! Even told my teacher about it as said she's heard of it meant to check it out but hasn't. Told her you won't be disappointed! I thought of a cute idea, around or before our WEEK off from school for turkey week, I suggested the 3 of us in our little group pick a recipe or cute idea from there and make and bring to class for lunch, only exception is I get to bring-make desserts! Ha.

So there you have it! I will include some of my "pinned" items I have liked! Are any of you on board?! If so, I'd love to follow!!

I just think its so cute because I wanted to start doing arts and crafts with Sadie and I am far from crafty and that site is genius! Such cute cute ideas and for little holiday outfits! Oh I am SO excited! :) let the pinning begin!


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sarah @ two tarts said...

I'm addicted too! ;)

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