Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another face to the BLM community ...:(

So, earlier tonight, I get a message on facebook from a friend from highschool, that knows my story and my loss of Naomi and has been very sweet about it all and supportive.

I didn't expect to hear this heartbreaking news from her. I will post what she had written me:

hey hunny, i hoe you and Sadie bug are doing wonderful! this is a bit random, but we just found out that my cousin, who is 9 months pregnant and due next week, is in the hospital. the doctors cannot find any vitals on her babygirl, and though we are praying and praying for a miracle, we are prepared for the worst. shes going to deliver her tonight, my hearts broken for her becuase shes only 18 this is her first baby and this was soo unexpected...anyway i am reaching out to you in hopes that you might suggest something, anything, like a program for grieving mothers or anything like that? she does not want to talk to anyone or see anyone (understandably) but sometime soon id like to suggest any kind of help to her to get her through in the worst case scenario. thanks in advance, x's and o's to you an your little beauty ♥ .

Oh, I just CRIED when I read this, and I am not even close friends with this girl, nor do I know her cousin. But of course any baby loss, I can relate to it. I, didn't know exactly what to say in response to all of this. So I had to pause for a few, first to get myself together and then to think, where did I go? What advice or what groups did I attend? What links shall I gave to her? I offered to speak to her or go see her, but she is a bit far from where I live, but I offered to definitely talk to her (when she is ready). I got news after that she will be induced tonight. So I ask for prayers for this young girl, her sweet daughter and her family.

I did tell her about the Face of Loss Face of Hope, where she can read (sadly) many stories, maybe some similar to her experience. I just dont want her to be overwelmed with so much information yet I told my friend I will gather information and things to have when she is ready. Oh I can imaagine yet I cant, reaching all the way to the end, and having this tragedy happen. Definitely unexpected news and heart wrenching to hear about.


*Laura Angel said...

ugh :( so sad to hear!!

Lisette said...

That is so sad. No one should go through something like this. I am sure you will come with many websites that will be able to offer her some support and more than anything maybe talking to her about your experience once she is ready to talk. Praying for her and her sweet baby.

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